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Changes in medial elbow elasticity and joint space gapping during maximal gripping: Reliability and validity in evaluation of the medial elbow joint using ultrasound elastography

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Feb 17, 2020

Hattori H, Akasaka K, Otsudo T, et al. - This imaging study was conducted to evaluate the reliability of medial elbow elastography measurement and the characteristics of the medial elbow stabilizers. Researchers assessed medial elbow joint space gapping and the strain ratios of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and the forearm flexor-pronator muscle (FPM) at rest and during gripping in 29 healthy college students. They estimated intraclass correlation coefficients of elastography. The data were correlated between tissues and between rest and gripping. Elastography estimations of the ulnar collateral ligament and flexor-pronator muscle have almost perfect reliability. Compared with rest, gripping reduce medial elbow joint space gapping. Gripping decreases their elasticity for both tissues, compared with rest. It was noted that elasticity of the UCL is less than that of the FPM both at rest and during gripping.
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