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Changes in macular parameters in different types of amblyopia: Optical coherence tomography study

Clinical Ophthalmology Aug 15, 2017

Kasem MA, et al. – The changes in macular parameters (thickness, volume) and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness (RNFLT) in different cases of amblyopia versus the normal fellow eyes utilizing optical coherence tomography (OCT) and to evaluate the relationship of OCT changes with various characterized patients' parameters were explored in this study. The unilateral amblyopic eyes were prone to have a higher CMT and thicker global RNFL compared to those of the sound fellow eyes. Retinal variations between different types of the amblyopia differ from one type to another. The age could be considered as an indicator of the disease worsening and treatment prognosis. Further studies are required to emphasize these outcomes.
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