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Changes in dental anxiety among 15- to 21-year-olds: A 2-year longitudinal analysis based on the Tromsø study: Fit futures

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Nov 14, 2018

Nermo H, et al. - Experts sought to identify predictive variables related to the development and continuation of high dental anxiety among young people over 2 years and evaluate the differences between youth experiencing increased, decreased or unchanged dental anxiety scores over time. The important contributors to the development of dental anxiety in youth are mental health symptoms, pre-existing dental anxiety, and dental health status. When it comes to changes in dental anxiety over time in this study, estimations of pain at the dentist are central. They noted higher DMFS and HSCL-10 among young people who reported a substantial change in DAS score (2.0 > Interquartile range/IQR), irrespective of the direction of change.
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