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Changes in cytokines, haemodynamics and microcirculation in patients with sepsis/septic shock undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy and blood purification with Cytosorb

Blood Purification Aug 29, 2019

Zuccari S, Damiani E, Domizi R, et al. - Researchers performed a prospective observational study on critically ill adult patients with sepsis/septic shock who underwent renal replacement therapy (RRT) for acute renal failure and haemoadsorption with Cytosorb as adjunctive therapy for 24 h, in order to evaluate these patients for changes in cytokines, haemodynamics and microcirculation during blood purification with Cytosorb adsorber. In septic patients undergoing RRT, a decrease in plasma levels of interleukin-8 was observed with haemoadsorption with Cytosorb, although no significant variation in levels of other cytokines was noted, and microcirculation improved despite no significant variation in macro-haemodynamics.
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