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Changes in bone mineral density in women before critical illness: A matched control nested cohort study

Archives of Osteoporosis Nov 08, 2018

Orford NR, et al. - In order to assess how premorbid bone health influences accelerated bone loss after critical illness, experts compared the bone mineral density (BMD) trajectory of women prior to critical illness to the BMD trajectory of women who did not become critically ill. During the study period, they admitted a total of 52 women with a mean age of 77 ± 9 years to the intensive care unit (ICU), mostly post-surgery (75%). Findings suggested a similarity of bone health before critical illness with age- and medication-matched controls, with a relative increase in femoral neck bone mass immediately before critical illness in this cohort of women with predominantly surgical ICU admission. They noted that explanation of critical illness-related bone loss as a continuation of pre-morbid bone trajectory was not entirely possible.

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