Changes in biomarker profile and left ventricular hypertrophy regression: Results from the Frequent Hemodialysis Network Trials
American Journal of Nephrology Apr 11, 2018
Chan CT, et al. - In this post hoc observational cohort study, researchers ascertained pathways related to regression of left ventricular mass (LVM) in patients enrolled in the Frequent HD Network (FHN) trials, presuming that left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) regression with frequent hemodialysis (HD) was associated with a different cardiovascular biomarker profile. Patients who achieved a reduction of more than 10% in LVM at 12 months were named as regressors and progressors were those who had a minimum of 10% increase in LVM at 12 months. Mean LVM change differed between regressors and progressors by –65.6g. In the dialysis population, the potential novel pathways that were found to be related to regression of LVH were markers of collagen turnover and changes in klotho levels.
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