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Changes in alveolar process dimensions following extraction of molars with advanced periodontal disease: A clinical pilot study

Clinical Oral Implants Research Mar 01, 2019

Zhao L, et al. - Authors examined 17 molar teeth to analyze the modifications of socket dimensions after a 6-month healing period following molar extraction using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). They used superimposition of CBCT images and measured: horizontal changes at extraction sites at 3 corono-apical levels ie, -1, -3, -5 mm, below the bone crest; 3 mesio-distal levels ie, mesial, central, and distal, vertical changes at 9 areas of the alveolar crest, and alveolar bone volume. They observed a decline in the width of the central crests at -1 mm by 0.59 and 0.72 mm in the buccal and 0.27 and 0.02 mm in the lingual, in the maxilla and mandible, respectively. A decline in the heights of buccal and lingual bone plates and ranged from 0.56 mm to 1.38 mm in the mandible after 6 months of healing.
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