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Changes in adrenal androgens and steroidogenic enzyme activities from ages 2, 4, to 6 years: A prospective cohort study

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Aug 07, 2020

Kim JH, Lee YA, Lim YH, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for examining longitudinal changes in androgen levels and steroidogenic enzyme activities during early childhood. This included 114 boys and 86 girls with available blood samples from ages 2, 4, and 6 from a prospective children's cohort, the Environment and Child Development cohort. According to results, 17,20-lyase and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) sulfotransferase activities increased during ages 2-4 years. Serum DHEA-S levels during early childhood were linked to body mass index z-scores. This research confirms in vivo human evidence of increased 17,20-lyase and DHEA sulfotransferase activities and reduced 3β-HSD activity during early childhood.

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