Changes in adiposity and other factors in relation to age at natural menopause: Analyses from the Coronary Artery Risk Development (CARDIA) study
Menopause Feb 01, 2019
Costanian C, et al. - Researchers investigated the influence of baseline and/or longitudinal changes in adiposity on age at natural menopause via analyzing 2,030 premenopausal women from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study, a prospective study with 25 years follow-up, from 1985 to 1986 until menopause was attained. Baseline body mass index and baseline waist circumference were noted to significantly increasing the risk of later age at natural menopause. They noted a strong association of premenopausal hypertension with an earlier age at natural menopause. Results thereby emphasize the significance of both control and prevention of cardiovascular risk factors such as excess weight in early to mid-adulthood before menopause onset.
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