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Change in FGF23 concentration over time and its association with all-cause mortality in patients treated with haemodialysis or haemodiafiltration

Clinical Kidney Journal Apr 04, 2020

Bouma-de Krijger A, et al. - Given a link of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) with all-cause mortality has been shown in previous studies in patients on haemodialysis (HD), researchers focused on the outcome of FGF23 lowering on mortality in this population. This study included a subset of 404 patients from the Dutch CONvective TRansport STudy (CONTRAST study) [a randomized trial in prevalent dialysis patients comparing HD and haemodiafiltration with clinical result]. Findings although revealed no link between a single value of FGF23 and all-cause mortality, the identification of patients at risk for mortality was enabled by increasing FGF23 levels. Because no improvement in outcome was brought about by lowering FGF23, this work found no argument for therapeutically lowering FGF23.

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