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Change in dyslipidemia with declining glomerular filtration rate and increasing proteinuria in children with CKD

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Nov 18, 2019

Saland JM, Kupferman JC, Pierce CB, et al. - Since there is a lack of knowledge on the change in dyslipidemia over time in CKD and the impact of concurrent progression of CKD on that change, researchers quantified the link between within-subject alterations in lipid measures (HDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, triglycerides) and within-subject shifts in GFR, proteinuria, and body mass index (BMI), by using multivariable, linear mixed-effects models in the CKD in Children study. They prospectively followed children with progressive CKD. Stronger, harmful links between within-subject change in non-HDL cholesterol (9 mg/dl vs 1.2 mg/dl) and triglycerides (14% vs 3%), and within-subject change in BMI were shown by glomerular CKD; as far as links of within-subject change in lipids to within-subject change in GFR and proteinuria were concerned, they found similar but quantitatively smaller variations between the two types of CKD (ie, nonglomerular CKD and glomerular CKD). Overall, children with CKD often exhibited dyslipidemia, which was identified as a persistent complication in them and worsened in proportion to decreasing GFR, worsening proteinuria, and raising BMI.
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