Cervical pessary for preventing preterm birth in twin pregnancies with maternal short cervix after an episode of threatened preterm labour: Randomized controlled trial
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Mar 07, 2019
Merced C, et al. - Via an open randomized controlled trial, researchers investigated the utility of cervical pessaries in preventing spontaneous preterm birth in women with twin pregnancies and a short cervix remaining after a threatened preterm labour episode. They randomly assigned 132 pregnant women who had not delivered 48h after a threatened preterm labour episode and had a short cervix remaining (≤20mm between 240 and 296 weeks and ≤10mm between 300 and 336 weeks) to cervical pessary (67) or routine management (65). Outcomes revealed a significant reduction in the spontaneous preterm birth rate before 34 weeks in these twin pregnancies in correlation with pessary use. They also noted a lower threatened preterm labour recurrence and neonates weight less than 2500gr with pessary use.
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