Cervical pedicle screw instrumentation is more reliable with O-arm-based 3D navigation: Analysis of cervical pedicle screw placement accuracy with O-arm-based 3D navigation
European Spine Journal Apr 18, 2018
Chachan S, et al. - Experts ascertained the feasibility, accuracy, and complications of cervical pedicle screw instrumentation solely using O-arm-based 3D navigation technology. Findings suggested that the cervical pedicle screw placement could be made reliable with the use of O-arm-based intra-operative 3D scans for navigation. The confidence of the surgeon in using cervical pedicle instrumentation on more regular basis could be increased by high accuracy and better intra-operative control. The overall breach rates were noted to be 7.05% with 52.94% Grade I, 47.06% Grade II, and nil Grade III screw breaches, after the analysis of screw placement as per Gertzbein classification.
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