Cervical kyphosis in asymptomatic populations: Incidence, risk factors, and its relationship with health-related quality of life
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Oct 30, 2019
Ao S, et al. - Researchers retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 235 asymptomatic volunteers’ records in order to assess the incidence of cervical kyphosis (CK) in asymptomatic populations, to recognize risk factors related to cervical kyphosis, and to evaluate how cervical kyphosis is correlated with health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Outcomes revealed CK incidence of 38.3% in normal populations. As per logistic regression analysis, independent risk factors of CK are age, thoracic kyphosis, T1 slope, and sagittal vertical axis. Further, a negative correlation was observed between CK and the parameters of HRQOL (EQ-5D, − 0.63; physical component score, − 0.68; mental component scor, − 0.59). An association of CK with the HRQOL was evident.
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