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Cervical cancer screening uptake and correlates among HIV-infected women: A cross-sectional survey in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa

BMJ Open Sep 06, 2019

Tchounga B, Boni SP, Koffi JJ, et al. - Via a cross-sectional survey carried out from May to August 2017 of a total of 1,991 women living with HIV (WLHIV), researchers estimated the coverage of cervical cancer screening and related factors among WLHIV in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Among the individuals, 1,913 had ever heard about cervical cancer, 1,444 had been offered cervical cancer screening, principally in the HIV clinic for 1,284, and 1,188 reported a personal history of cervical cancer screening for overall coverage of 59.7%. In multivariable analysis, university-level, being informed on cervical cancer at the HIV clinic, receiving information self-perceived as "clear and understood" on cervical cancer, recognizing HIV as a risk factor for cervical cancer and being proposed cervical cancer screening in the HIV clinic, were related to cervical cancer screening uptake. Hence, it was concluded that initiatives to support cervical cancer screening in HIV care programmes led to efficient access to more than half of the WLHIV in Abidjan. Efforts are still required to give universal access to cervical cancer screening, mainly among socioeconomically disadvantaged WLHIV.
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