Cerebral metabolic alterations and cognitive dysfunction in children with chronic kidney disease using magnetic resonance spectroscopy and Wechsler intelligence scale
Nephrology Jul 01, 2018
Youssef DM, et al. - Relation between the brain metabolic alteration [measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)] and cognitive dysfunction in chronic kidney disease (CKD) children (detected by psychometric analysis) was investigated. Analyzing 140 patients with CKD [ 40 patients with stage 5 CKD on dialysis, 30 patients with stage 4 to 5 CKD without dialysis, and 70 patients with stage 1 to 3 CKD], researchers suggest that for detection of cognitive function affection in CKD children, both MRS and psychometric tests were sensitive methods. It was particularly noted in dialyzed group. MRS abnormalities and Wechsler IQ Test scores showed significant negative correlation. However, they noted a significant positive correlation between the CKD stages and MRS abnormalities in patients with CKD and negative significant correlation between CKD stages and Wechsler IQ test scores in patients with CKD. "the electrolyte disturbance, blood hemoglobin and hypertension" and "the CKD staging, cognitive functions IQ scores and MRS parameter changes" demonstrated correlations with each other.
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