Cephalometric characteristics of postorthodontic female patients with attractive and unattractive frontal posed smiles
The Angle Orthodontist Jun 22, 2018
Kawashima Y, et al. - Differences in skeletal, dental, and soft-tissue morphology between postorthodontic subjects with attractive and unattractive frontal posed smiles was identified in this analysis. Using a visual analogue scale, the attractiveness of close-up photographs of frontal posed smiles in 100 adult female patients after conventional orthodontic treatment was evaluated by 20 dental students (10 men, 10 women). Cephalometric analysis showed that postorthodontic Japanese female subjects with unattractive frontal posed smiles were characterized by a hyperdivergent skeletal pattern with extruded maxillary incisors and a steep occlusal plane, accompanied by a longer upper lip than subjects achieving attractive posed frontal smiles.
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