Cemented humeral stem vs press-fit humeral stem in total shoulder arthroplasty: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The Bone & Joint Journal Sep 10, 2019
Uy M, Wang J, Horner NS, et al. - In primary anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA), researchers assessed the differences in revision and complication rates, functional outcomes, and radiological outcomes between cemented and press-fit humeral stems. Studies involving patients who had primary anatomical TSA for primary osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis were included. A total of 36 studies have been conducted with 927 cemented humeral stems and 1,555 press-fit stems. At short- to mid-term follow-up, cement fixation had similar revision rates compared with press-fit stems. Rotator cuff pathology has been a prevalent complication in both groups but is probably not associated with fixation type. Overall, with similar revision rates, possible easier revision, and reduced operative time, humeral press-fit fixation in patients with sufficient bone stock may be an optimal option for primary anatomical TSA.
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