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Cement injection and postoperative vertebral fractures during vertebroplasty

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Jul 26, 2019

Hu L, et al. - Given a risk for fracture and additional fractures adjacent to the site of vertebroplasty, the most widely used method for treating osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures that include injection of bone cement into the vertebral body, researchers sought for factors that may cause such vertebral fractures following vertebroplasty and determined the appropriate amount of bone cement to inject. From September 2012 to March 2016, they selected 112 patients with complete follow-up information. Adjacent vertebral fractures were reported in 28 during the follow-up period (refracture group), and no adjacent vertebral fractures were reported in 84 patients (control group). As per the analysis, adjacent vertebral fractures after vertebroplasty were evident in statistically significant correlation to bone cement injection volume, bone mineral density values, and sex. Cement injection volumes exceeding 40.5% caused adjacent vertebral fractures.
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