Cefazolin monotherapy versus cefazolin plus aminoglycosides for antimicrobial prophylaxis of type III open fractures
American Journal of Therapeutics Jan 13, 2021
Patanwala AE, Radosevich JJ, Meshay I, et al. - In this study, cefazolin monotherapy vs cefazolin plus aminoglycoside therapy for prophylaxis of type III open fractures was compared in trauma patients. Researchers performed a multicenter, retrospective, cohort study in 3 academic medical centers in the United States. Between January 2014 and September 2016, they included consecutive adult trauma patients with type III open fractures. Individuals were classified into 2 groups: cefazolin monotherapy vs cefazolin plus an aminoglycoside. The study cohort included a total of 134 patients.It was shown that in trauma patients, cefazolin monotherapy may be appropriate for antimicrobial prophylaxis of type III open fractures.
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