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Causal effect of Lp(a) [lipoprotein(a)] level on ischemic stroke and Alzheimer disease: A Mendelian randomization study

Stroke Oct 18, 2019

Pan Y, et al. - In this Mendelian randomization study, researchers explored the causal relationships of Lp(a) concentrations on ischemic stroke, ischemic stroke subtypes, and Alzheimer disease. They employed 9 single-nucleotide polymorphisms linked to Lp(a) concentrations as instrumental variables. They obtained summary-level data on ischemic stroke and its subtypes from the Multiancestry Genome-Wide Association Study of Stroke consortium with ≤ 446,696 people in Europe. Findings suggested a causal association of high Lp(a) concentrations with an increased risk of large artery stroke but a reduced risk of small vessel stroke and Alzheimer disease. More investigation is required of the mechanism underlying the double-edged sword effect of Lp(a) concentrations on the neurological system.
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