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Causal attributions of potentially traumatic life events in fibromyalgia patients

International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases Nov 07, 2019

De Almeida-Marques FX, et al. - Thirty-two women suffering from fibromyalgia and receiving care in a primary healthcare center took part in the same semi-structured interview twice ie, once in a wakeful state and once under hypnosis in order to search and analyze the content of traumatic life events and to ascertain whether there was a relationship between the type of event, the state of consciousness in which the individuals verbalized it, and possible causal attributions of the disorder. The individuals verbalized 23 various types of events, which we grouped into eight categories, frequently psychosocial events. Two of the bivariate relationships prognosticated (the type of event and state of consciousness and state of consciousness and causal attribution) were validated, however, the correlation between the three variables was not statistically meaningful. Hence, in primary healthcare consultations, potentially traumatic life experiences could remain undiscovered and hypnosis could establish a useful tool for their discovery.
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