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Caudally directed upper-instrumented vertebra pedicle screws associated with minimized risk of proximal junctional failure in patients with long posterior spinal fusion for adult spinal deformity

The Spine Journal Mar 21, 2021

Harris AB, Kebaish FN, Puvanesarajah V, et al. - In this retrospective review, researchers ascertained if the cranial-caudal trajectory of upper instrumented vertebra (UIV) pedicle screws and UIV screw-vertebra angle are correlated with proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) and/or proximal junctional failure (PJF) after long posterior spinal fusion in patients with adult spinal deformity (ASD). Between 2008 and 2015, 96 patients with ASD who underwent fusion from T9-T12 to the pelvis (> 5 vertebrae fused) were included. In long thoracic fusion to the pelvis for ASD, UIV-PVA ≥ 3° was linked to 2.7-fold greater chances of PJK and 3.6-fold greater chances of PJF compared with UIV-PVA < 3°. UIV-RVA was not related to PJK or PJF.

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