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Cardiovascular-related proteins and the abdominal visceral to subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio

Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases Sep 20, 2020

Lind L, Strand R, Kullberg J, et al. - This study was sought to evaluate the association between abdominal fat distribution and plasma levels of cardiovascular-related proteins. Researchers conducted a Prospective investigation of the Obesity, Energy, and Metabolism study (n=326, all aged 50 years) to quantify abdominal visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue volumes by MRI. Via the proximity extension assay, 86 cardiovascular-related proteins were assessed. Applying a discovery/validation approach, three cardiovascular-related proteins, cathepsin D, Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein, and growth hormone, were being correlated with the distribution of abdominal adipose tissue. Moreover, the outcomes of this meta-analysis of the two samples implied that also a number of other cardiovascular-related proteins could be correlated with an unfavorable abdominal fat distribution.

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