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Cardiovascular disease in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH): From theory to reality—a 10-year follow-up study

Arthritis Research & Therapy Aug 21, 2020

Glick K, Novofastovski I, Schwartz N, et al. - This study was intended to present actual cardiovascular events over a decade in patients with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), without previously known cardiovascular (CV) diseases. Researchers reviewed the medical records of patients with DISH and controls, beginning in 2006 (without known CV disease). They obtained demographic, constitutional, and laboratory data. This analysis enrolled 45 patients with DISH and 47 controls without DISH from the original cohort (91.8% and 97.9% respectively). In patients with DISH, the data exhibited that the Framingham score underestimates the real risk for developing cardiovascular disease, particularly the risk for MI. They offer more scrutiny is warranted in assessing CV risk in these patients, more demanding treatment target goals should be developed, and earlier and more aggressive medical interventions should be undertaken, especially primary prevention. Future trials are required to corroborate these findings.

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