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Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy and bone metabolism in Type 1 diabetes

Diabetic Medicine Aug 17, 2018

Hansen CS, et al. - In people with type 1 diabetes, researchers examined the relationship between cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy and bone metabolism. According to heart rate response to deep breathing, to standing and to the Valsalva maneuver, and 2-minute resting heart rate, they evaluated cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in 329 individuals with type 1 diabetes. By dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, the bone mineral density of the femoral neck (BMDfn) was evaluated. They found that the presence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy was related to reduced BMDfn and increased levels of parathyroid hormone. The outcomes suggested that these findings might be either confound or mediated by kidney function. In type 1 diabetes, cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy could be correlated with increased risk of osteoporosis.

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