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Cardiac complications during pregnancy related to parity in women with congenital heart disease

Cardiology Aug 02, 2020

Furenäs E, Eriksson P, Wennerholm UB, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective tertiary single-center study to characterize the frequency of cardiac complications during pregnancy related to parity in women with congenital heart defects. This investigation was carried out at the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Centre that followed 307 women with congenital heart disease during the years 1997–2015 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Using medical and obstetric records, ma­ternal cardiac complications were noted for each pregnancy. Five hundred seventy-one deliveries and 9 late miscarriages have been analyzed. Data reported that the mean parity was 1.74 per woman (range 1–8). For women with congenital heart disease, the risk of severe maternal cardiac complications during pregnancy is low. The risk classification predicts the maternal outcome more than parity per se in this largest analysis to date with a focus on parity in 307 women. If the first pregnancy is uneventful, the OR is 5.5 for an uneventful second pregnancy if CARPREG I and mWHO scores remain constant.

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