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Cannulated screw and Kirschner fixation for the treatment of medial and lateral malleolar epiphyseal fractures in children: A retrospective study of 36 cases

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Aug 17, 2019

Jiang L, et al. - Thirty-six children (22 boys and 14 girls) aged 8 to 15 years with medial and lateral epiphyseal fractures were treated by cannulated screw and Kirschner fixation following closed reduction from January 2010 to December 2015 by the researchers in order to assess the efficiency of this method for treating medial malleolar epiphyseal fractures, which makes a portion of bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures. No cases of fracture non-union or secondary displacement were noted. At the last follow-up visit, the Baird-Jackson ankle score varied from 83 to 100, including an “excellent” score, a “good” score, a “fair” score and a “poor” score in 13, four, 19 cases, and zero cases, respectively. The ankle recovered to the preinjury level of function within 3.5 ± 1.6 months. During the follow-up of the 36 patients, dysfunction, pain, instability, and premature epiphyseal closure were not noted. Hence, for the treatment of medial and lateral malleolar epiphyseal fractures in children, cannulated screw and Kirschner fixation following closed reduction was concluded as an efficient and readily available method.
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