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Cannabis use does not affect outcomes after TKA

Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 18, 2019

Jennings J, et al. - A sum of 71 subjects who underwent a primary unilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA) were analyzed to study the impacts of cannabis on TKA outcomes. They did not observe any difference in length of stay between the users (46.9 hours ± 15.7) and nonusers (49.3 hours ± 20.4). no difference was noted in the postoperative range of motion (ROM) between users (128.4º ± 10.4º) and nonusers (126.9º ± 7.5º). They reported no differences in readmissions (user = 5 vs nonuser = 4) or reoperations (user = 5 vs nonuser = 2). They overall noted no influence of cannabis use either adverse or beneficial (short-term outcomes) in cases undergoing a primary TKA.
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