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Can we predict outcome after treatment of long bone osteomyelitis

The Bone & Joint Journal Nov 04, 2020

Hotchen AJ, Dudareva M, Corrigan RA, et al. - This research was sought to describe the patient-reported quality of life (QoL) over the first year following surgical debridement of long bone osteomyelitis. Researchers prospectively distinguished individuals with long-bone osteomyelitis between June 2010 and October 2015. This study included a sum of 71 patients with long-bone osteomyelitis. In comparison with complex cases, Uncomplicated osteomyelitis, as defined by bone involvement, antimicrobial options, coverage of soft tissues, and host status, gave higher self-reported QoL. The results reveal that bone involvement, antimicrobial options, and host status variables were able to stratify patients in terms of QoL. These outcomes can be applied to offer prognostic information to individuals who are undergoing treatment for long bone osteomyelitis.

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