Can short-term effectiveness of anti-pronation taping predict the long-term outcomes of customized foot orthoses: Developing predictors to identify characteristics of patients with plantar heel pain likely to benefit from customized foot orthoses
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 06, 2019
Wu FL, et al. - In this study involving 74 patients, researchers identified the features of patients with plantar heel pain (PHP), a highly prevalent foot disorder, likely to achieve a positive outcome after customized foot orthoses and verified the concept that patients who respond positively to anti-pronation taping would achieve a positive prognosis after wearing foot orthoses for 6 months. Five predictors have been identified in this prospective observational cohort study: the average pain intensity decreased by over 1.5 points with taping, the range of ankle plantarflexion > 54 degrees, the strength of ankle plantarflexors on the symptomatic side was equal to or stronger than that on the other side, the range of hip internal rotation < 39 degrees, and the range of hip external rotation > 45 degrees. Data reported that the presence of 3 or more predictors raised the rate of achieving a positive outcome from 66 to 89%. In patients with PHP, the predictors of customized foot orthosis outcome are linked to several physical measures of a lower extremity. Study findings can be used to screen and select foot orthosis intervention patients with PHP. In addition, customized foot orthoses would also benefit patients who respond positively to anti-pronation taping. Since the present research did not have a control group, however, it is inappropriate to draw conclusions about the efficacy of the therapy of foot orthoses.
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