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Can radiographic joint space accurately predict chondral damage during hip arthroscopy? an analysis on 1,892 hips

Arthroscopy Feb 12, 2020

Rosinsky PJ, Chen JW, Lall AV, et al. - Researchers conducted an analysis of 1,892 hips to explore how pre-operative radiographic joint space associated with intraoperative chondral damage as diagnosed during hip arthroscopy, in patients without radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis or joint space < 2mm. Researchers compared individuals under the age of 50 years without prior hip conditions who underwent hip primary arthroscopy had their joint space and intraoperative chondral damage. This study compared the demographics and presence of intraarticular findings of chondral damage. The outcomes of this study indicated that narrower joint space cannot predict actual intraoperative cartilage damage in individuals with Tonnis 0 and 1. Nevertheless, whether the lateral joint space has a relative narrowing in comparison with the medial joint space, this may show acetabular cartilage damage.
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