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Can MRI findings predict the outcome of cervical spinal cord Injury? A systematic review

European Spine Journal Sep 28, 2020

Tarawneh AM, D’Aquino D, Hilis A, et al. - Researchers examined the prognostic value of extradural and intradural features identified on MRI performed acutely following traumatic cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) for neurological outcome. Using a standard PRISMA template, researchers initially identified 2,606 articles in their systematic search of several databases. Of these, 6 full-text articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis. Per findings, along with its established value as a gold standard imaging of acute spinal trauma, early MRI serves to provide prognostic value on the neurological recovery. They indicated a strong correlation of the extradural finding of maximal spinal cord compression, intradural MRI findings of length of cord edema, intramedullary hemorrhage, and length of intramedullary hemorrhage with poor neurological recovery in traumatic cervical spinal cord injuries.

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