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Can clubfoot scoring systems predict the number of casts and future recurrences in patients undergoing Ponseti method

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Apr 09, 2021

Ali Tahririan M, , et al. - The present study was sought to evaluate whether clubfoot scoring systems prognosticate the number of casts and future recurrences in patients undergoing ponseti method. Researchers prospectively documented their initial Pirani and Dimeglio scores, the number of castings as a short-term treatment parameter, and the recurrences as a long-term parameter until the age of three. Researchers examined a total of 100 patients (143 feet) with a mean age of 9.51 ± 2.3 days including 68 males and 32 females and a mean initial Pirani score of 5.5 ± 0.5 and the mean initial Dimeglio score of 17.1 ± 1.6. It has been reported that in patients with severe and very severe clubfoot, Pirani and Dimeglio scores are markedly related with more casts and recurrence. New cut-off points were introduced for both classification systems for the prediction of recurrence. As per our understanding, this finding has not been introduced into the English literature.

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