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Can an insole for obese individuals maintain the arch of the foot against repeated hyper loading?

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Oct 19, 2019

Saito Y, et al. - Eighteen cadaveric feet were randomized into three groups ie, normal, obese, and insole in order to examine the impact of insole use on time-dependent variations in the foot arch during a repeated-loading simulation created to exhibit 20,000 contiguous steps in people with a BMI value in the range of 30–40 kg/m2. More than 0.21 bony arch index (BAI) was sustained by the normal group, which is the diagnostic criterion for a normal arch, throughout the 10,000 cycles, nevertheless, BAI was less than 0.21 in the obese group and in the insole group, at 1000 cycles at 6000 cycles, respectively. However, an important time-dependent reduction in flexibility and energy absorption in both the obese and insole groups was noted, the variation between 1 and 10,000 cycles were considerably smaller in the insole group vs the obese group. Hence, for obese people, the use of insoles could aid to slow time-dependent foot structural variations. Nonetheless, to sustain the foot structure against repeated excessive loadings, the impact was not adequate.
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