Can a quality-of-life assessment assist in identifying women at risk of prematurely discontinuing IVF treatment? A prospective cohort study utilizing the FertiQoL questionnaire
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Jun 08, 2018
Neumann K, et al. - In German infertile patients, researchers examined quality of life (QoL) by means of a validated measurement tool (FertiQoL) before a first IVF/ICSI cycle with ancillary assessment of changes in FertiQoL scores after a failed first cycle. They also assessed the predictive capacity of FertiQoL scores for treatment discontinuation. Female patients (n = 119) filled out the validated FertiQoL tool that consisted of 24 questions regarding fertility-specific aspects of QoL, and a questionnaire on sociodemographic variables on initiation of a first- and second-cycle IVF/ICSI treatment, respectively. Patients who continued vs discontinued treatment in case of no pregnancy achievement in the first cycle did not differ regarding the mean total FertiQoL score at initiation of a first treatment cycle. In addition, no change in the mean total FertiQoL score was noted after an unsuccessful first IVF cycle. Thus findings suggested FertiQoL scores as not usable to predict withdrawal from infertility treatment.
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