Calcium-phosphate product and its impact on mortality in hospitalized patients
Nephrology May 18, 2019
Thongprayoon C, et al. - Using multivariate logistic regression, researchers evaluated in-hospital mortality in hospitalized patients (n=14,772) in relation to admission Calcium-phosphate (CaP). They used CaP of 27-<33 mg2/dL2 as the reference group. They defined categories of admission CaP on the basis of its distribution into six groups (<21, 21-<27, 27-<33, 33-<39, 39-<45 and ≥45 mg2/dL2). Findings revealed a link between CaP levels on admission and in-hospital mortality. In both chronic kidney disease (CKD) and non-CKD patients, those who were hospitalized and had admission CaP of ≥45 mg2/dL2 demonstrated the highest mortality risk.
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