Calciphylaxis epidemiology, risk factors, treatment and survival among French chronic kidney disease patients: A case-control study
BMC Nephrology Mar 08, 2020
Gaisne R, et al. - Researchers report the management as well as the outcome of Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy (CUA) in average clinical practices via this retrospective cohort analysis. They analyzed CUA cases identified in western France. There were 89 cases between 2006 and 2016. These included 19 non dialyzed and 70 dialyzed patients. Wound care (98.9%), antibiotherapy (77.5%), discontinuation of Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) (70.8%) and intravenous sodium thiosulfate (65.2%) were included in the multimodal treatment strategy. The deaths of 40.4% of the patients were reported within the year following lesion onset, mainly under palliative care. Better survival was reported in relation to surgical debridement, distal CUA, localization to the lower limbs and non calcium-based phosphate binders. In dialysis patients, the factors that conferred risk for CUA development were obesity, VKA, weight loss, serum albumin reduction or high serum phosphate in the 6 months prior to lesion onset. Experts noted that CUA involved mainly obese patients under VKA. The onset of skin lesions was preceded by malnutrition and inflammation, and these could represent warning signs in dialysis patients at risk.
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