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Calciphylaxis: An analysis of concomitant factors, treatment effectiveness and prognosis in 30 patients

International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease Apr 09, 2020

Panchal S, et al. - Given that calciphylaxis represents a rare but severe complication mostly impacting patients with end-stage renal disease and is related to high morbidity and mortality, so, researchers assessed demographics, co-morbidities, laboratory parameters, as well as effectiveness of sodium thiosulfate treatment and results in patients diagnosed with calciphylaxis, via this retrospective analysis. Findings revealed a more frequent occurrence of calciphylaxis in females with a predilection for extremities over the torso. Parathyroid hormone and inflammatory markers were often elevated. No statistically significant improvement in survival was brought about by treatment with sodium thiosulfate. Treatment with sodium thiosulfate up to three months was received by those who were cured.

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