Calcaneal fracture fixation using a new interlocking nail reduces complications compared to standard locking plates – Preliminary results after 1.6 years
Injury Aug 05, 2019
Herlyn A, et al. - Researchers undertook this matched pairs analysis in order to compare the new minimally-invasive calcaneal interlocking nailing technique vs standard locking plate fixation regarding reduction capacity, complication rates, and functional outcomes. They followed 40 feet in 38 patients (mean patient age 52.5 years, range 27–78), which were treated with calcaneal locking nail (LN)(n = 20) or locking plate (LP)(n = 20), clinically and radiologically for 20 months. The techniques were similar in times for surgery (LN 93 min, range 34 to 175 vs LP 101 min, range 53 to 305). The LN group had a significantly lower length of hospital stay (7.6 days, range 3 to 14 vs LP 11 days, range 6 to 37), had a shorter time away from work by 3.5 days, had a superior range of motion in plantarflexion, eversion, and inversion at follow-up. While LP patients were superior in demonstrating a secure heelstrike (79% vs LN 58%) and fewer needed permanent walking aids. Significant complication rate was evident between groups with 5% complications in the LN group vs 50% in the LP group (5% deep infection, 35% impaired wound healing, 5% hardware breakage, 5% superficial wound infection; LN: 5% superficial wound infection). These findings support the achievement of promising results in terms of reduction capacity and safety with the new calcaneal interlocking nail.
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