Cages in ACDF are associated with a higher nonunion rate than allograft: A stratified comparative analysis of 6130 patients
Spine Mar 10, 2019
Pirkle S, et al. - In this retrospective database review, the authors examined 6130 cases registered in the PearlDiver national database through Humana Insurance from 2007 to 2016, to investigate the incidence of nonunion in subjects treated with structural allograft and intervertebral cages in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). They included ACDF cases with anterior plating who were active in the database for at least 1 year. They compared the nonunion rates of structural allograft and intervertebral cage groups after 1 year using Chi-squared analyses. They observed higher rates of nonunion in the cage group (5.32%) as compared to in the allograft group (1.97%).
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