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Cage-screw and anterior plating combination reduces the risk of micromotion and subsidence in multi-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion - A finite element study

The Spine Journal Jan 20, 2021

Lin M, Shapiro SZ, Doulgeris J, et al. - A finite element analysis study was performed to explore the impact of cage-screws on the biomechanical characteristics of the human spine, implanted cage, and associate hardware by comparing the micromotion and subsidence. Researchers constructed a finite element (FE) model of a C3-C5 cervical spine with anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). They examined three models: the first was the original spine (S1 model), the second, S2, was implanted with cages and anterior plating, and the third, S3, was implanted with a cage-screw system in addition to the anterior plate. The outcomes exhibited that the cage-screw and anterior plating combination has promising potential to decrease the risk of micromotion and subsidence of implanted cages in two or more level ACDFs.

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