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C5 palsy after cervical laminectomy: Natural history in a 10 year series

The Spine Journal Apr 14, 2021

Hofler RC, Frazzetta J, Zakaria J, et al. - A retrospective case series was performed to present the natural history of and risk factors for C5 palsy after first-time cervical laminectomy involving C4 and/or C5, in a large series with a high rate of postoperative palsy. Between January 2008 and July 2018, patients undergoing first-time cervical laminectomy for degenerative spine pathologies were included at a single institution. Researchers treated a sum of 190 patients by 13 surgeons. 53 (27.9%) developed C5 palsy postoperatively. The outcomes revealed that the risk of C5 palsy is elevated with instrumentation caudal to C5 in operations addressing degenerative cervical pathology. During operative planning, this should be taken into consideration. The results suggested that the overall prognosis of C5 palsy is good; nevertheless, the incidence of this condition may be greater than previously reported.

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