C3 levels and acute outcomes in Shiga toxin–related hemolytic uremic syndrome
Pediatric Nephrology Jan 10, 2020
Balestracci A, et al. - Since few studies investigating the correlation between complement activation and severity of hemolytic uremic syndrome related to Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli (STEC-HUS) have reported conflicting results, therefore, researchers undertook this analysis to determine if there exists a link between C3 levels on admission and worse acute outcomes. They compared dialyzed and non-dialyzed patients and those with or without extrarenal complications, in terms of demographic, clinical, and laboratory variables. There were 49 children, including 33 having normal and 16 having reduced C3 levels. According to the findings, a more complicated STEC-HUS episode was experienced in relation to decreased C3 levels at admission.
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