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C-reactive protein for prediction or early detection of pre-eclampsia: A systematic review

Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation Apr 29, 2021

Hamadeh R, Mohsen A, Kobeissy F, et al. - Researchers sought to determine the role of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) in the detection of pre-eclampsia (PE), via this systematic review. They analyzed 34 articles published between 2001 and 2019, these were obtained from OVID Medline and Embase. These articles were randomized controlled, cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies assessing CRP as a marker to predict or early diagnose PE. Findings of 18 studies corroborated a positive link between CRP concentrations and the development of PE. In three studies, a cutoff level of CRP was ascertained above which a significant risk of PE occurrence should be suspected. These concentrations ranged between 7 and 15 mg/L. In the light of these findings, experts suggest the utility of CRP as a promising cost-effective biomarker that may be applied in the prediction of PE. Commencement of low-dose aspirin in low-risk pregnancies may be suggested by a CRP level greater than 15 mg/L.

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