C-reactive protein assessment to predict early septic complications after laparoscopic bowel resection for endometriosis: A diagnostic study
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jun 14, 2019
Scattarelli A, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective study using data prospectively recorded in the CIRENDO database, in order to examine C-reactive protein (CRP) level for its predictive value for early septic complications after laparoscopic bowel resection for endometriosis. They noted bowel fistula and pelvic abscess/infected hematoma in 2 and 7.9% of cases, respectively, among 303 women managed by segmental resection or disc excision for colorectal endometriosis. Outcomes revealed an association of levels of CRP ≥100 mg/l at day 4 after bowel resection or excision for endometriosis with early septic pelvic complications, indicating the utility of postoperative CRP monitoring in the prediction of early septic pelvic complications following bowel endometriosis surgery and its possible influence on the management of postoperative outcomes and hospitalisation stay.
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