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Burden of acute kidney injury and 90-day mortality in critically ill patients

BMC Nephrology Jan 08, 2020

Wiersema R, Eck RJ, Haapio M, et al. - Given that mortality rates related to acute kidney injury (AKI) differ in critically ill patients and results are frequently not corrected for severity or duration of AKI, researchers undertook this study to investigate if a novel variable, AKI burden, would outperform presence of AKI, highest AKI stage, or AKI duration in foretelling 90-day mortality. AKI diagnosis was made using Kidney Diseases: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria utilizing creatinine, urine output and renal replacement therapy. Findings revealed the superiority of AKI burden, which appreciates both severity and duration of AKI, compared with using merely the presence or the highest stage of AKI, for the prediction of 90-day mortality.
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