Budget impact analysis of the change in peritoneal dialysis use rate in Korea
Peritoneal Dialysis International Nov 28, 2019
Kim J, Lee NR, Son SK, et al. - Researchers used budget impact analysis to determine how the healthcare budget is influenced by shifts in peritoneal dialysis (PD) use rates for dialysis patients in Korea. Using the National Health Insurance Service (NHI) claims data, the impact of the rise in dialysis for the target population, shifts in modality use rate, and/or alterations in expenses per patient-year on total medical cost for patients on dialysis were modeled. As per the changing PD use rate, they formed 8 scenarios. They found that 5-year budget savings ranged from $47 million to $394 million (0.9% – 7.3% of the end-stage renal disease [ESRD] budget) and ranged from $25 million to $74 million (0.5% – 1.4% of the ESRD budget) in scenarios 1 – 4 (rise in PD patients by 6%, 13%, 20%, and 50% of non-diabetic prevalent hemodialysis (HD) patients under 65) and in scenarios 5 – 8 (increment in incident PD patients by 20%, 50%, 70%, and 100% of non-diabetic patients under 65), respectively. From the payer's perspective, savings could be obtained via a rise in PD use, in all scenarios. The NHI budget would be benefitted by selecting PD for ESRD patients without distinct expected clinical results between HD and PD.
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