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Buccal bone thickness at dental implants in the maxillary anterior region with large bony defects at time of immediate implant placement: A 1-year cohort study

Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Dec 19, 2018

Meijer HJA, et al. - In patients with large bony defects, authors evaluated, on cone beam computer tomograms, the presence of bone at the time of tooth extraction in the maxillary esthetic region and the mean buccal bone thickness 1 month and 1 year after final restoration placement. They selected the patients presenting a failing tooth with a large bony defect. It was possible to create a bone layer buccally of the implant and this bone layer remained stable during a 1-year follow-up, in patients with large bony defects at a failing tooth. In patients with large buccal bony defects and patients without or with small bony defects, thickness of buccal bone at 1 month and 1 year differed significantly.
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