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Breast and tumour volume measurements in breast cancer patients using 3-D automated breast volume scanner images

World Journal of Surgery Jan 12, 2018

Lagendijk M, et al. - Given the influence of the resection volume in relation to the breast volume on cosmetic outcome following breast-conserving therapy, researchers hypothesized that three-dimensional ultrasonography (3-D US) could be used to preoperatively assess breast and tumour volume and show high association with histopathological measurements. For the preoperative assessment of breast volume and the histopathological measurement of tumour volume, 3-D US demonstrated a high association with gold standard water displacement method (WDM). For calculating both breast volume and tumour volume, 3-D US proved a patient-friendly preoperative available technique. As per observations, the outcome of intended breast-conserving treatment could be predicted with volume measurements.
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